
Travel: Prague, Czech Republic/Vintage Photographs

I have a penchant for collecting little knick knaks from all around the place when I travel, most of which end up being vintage photographs. I can't explain the affinity with them, but to say that the sensibilty of them and the nostalgia and connection to the past resonates with me. Its that strage dichotomy that vitage photographs hold that really captivates me. The dichotomy of objectivity and subjectivity which allows us to both feel connected to the people you look at and yet still have an objectivity about the context and the time and place. Looking at the faces of the people in these photographs gives me a human connection to the place and history in a rude way, not that I can claim an undertanding of what the come from, but certainly an understanding of who they are - or at least I wish.

All photographs scavenged in Prague, Czech Republic.

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