
Inspiration: Rocky

Even Especially fictional characters know where its at.

Music: Cecil Gant - I Wonder

From the Film Reel: Anna Karina Interview

Beauty incarnate.

Just for Giggs

From the film Bronson(2008) starring Tom Hardy
IT Crowd. Ep After Show Party

Inspiration: Rediscovery

"If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present." 
- Lao Tzu 

The lostness, the void, everything comes back with a song. A tune. A guitar riff. The 'Me' I used to be. Tainted by me only. Found myself in the former transience I used to romanticize. On high rotation are some songs I haven't listened to or even heard since I was in high school. On high rotation currently:

New Order - Ceremony
Sometimes - My Bloody Valentine
How it Ends - Devotchka
Keep your eyes ahead - The Helio Sequence