In Ekstase (1933), a 19-year-old Hedy Lamarr plays a young woman who finds out on her honeymoon that her husband is both impotent and cold. She decides to rectify the situation by finding herself a lover.
Ekstase was highly controversial in its time due in large part to a scene which featured Lamarr & her lover kissing on a bed before his head is seen to drop out of the bottom of the frame. Much writhing ensues, making Ekstase the first non-pornographic film to depict sexual intercourse & the female orgasm onscreen (as captured through Lamarr’s facial expressions).
Fanny Ardant on Francois Truffant
Michael and Tina Chow
Belly of an Architect, Peter Greenaway (1987)
Jeanne d'Alcy in La source Enchantee cir. 1890s
La Perla (1947)
Edvard Munch, The Kiss (1897)
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
Louis Kahn sketches. Kahn believed that his trips to Italy (1928 and then another in 1950) changed his life, in lieu of seeing the ancient ruins which pushed him in the direction that he wanted creatively. From then on, he had decided to design places that had the look and bore the weight of ancient ruins. Through these drawigs we can gauge haunting nomadic excursions depicting an architect who pursued a lonely path, suffered repeated setbacks, and died in poverty. Only in recent years has the immensity of his achievement become widely known.
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